Self-Tanning Products

As someone who loves to achieve a sun-kissed glow all year round, I have tried my fair share of self-tanning products over the years. I get lots of questions about what I use, so today I’m breaking down my top self-tanning product recommendations!

Self Tanner

FOR A LIGHTER TAN - If you guys have been following me for a while, then you know I’m a true fan of the Jergens Natural Glow Instant Sun Tanning Mouse. It has been my go-to self tanner for years! I love how affordable it is and the color is amazing! I use shade Light Bronze and I reach for this one when I want a more natural looking tan. It’s great for fair skin or winter skin as it isn’t as dramatic and obvious of a self tan color. I use shade Light Bronze! This one has a bronzer, so you can see where you’re applying it. I apply at night then rinse off the bronzer in the morning and I’m left with a beautiful, natural looking tan!

FOR A DARKER TAN - In the summer or when I want a little bit of a darker/more dramatic tan, I have been loving the Self-Tan Luxe Whipped Crème Mousse. This one also has bronzer in it, so you can actually see where you’ve applied it which is super helpful for preventing streaks. It is a bit shocking upon first application but once you rinse off the bronzer the next morning, it’s great!

FOR A GRADUAL TAN - Don’t let the name “gradual” fool you, you’ll get a good dose of color with the first use! I use + Lux Unfiltered N°32 Gradual Hydrating Self Tanner in Santal. It’s a lotion, so you don’t need a mitt and it’s super hydrating. It doesn’t smell as strong as other tanners, and because it doesn’t have bronzer, it won’t transfer or show on your sheets. I use this one when I want to apply some tanner without bronzer, because I may not have time to rinse it off later. It’s also layers well so it’s great if your tan is fading and you just want to darken the color a bit.

FOR A GRADUAL TAN - If you ever need to be tan in a pinch, this is a great option! You can apply this Express Bronzing Mousse and leave it on for1-3 hours while it develops. Rinse off the bronzer and you’ll have a nice tan left. I’ve found that it develops a little bit more even after rinsing. I usually leave mine on for 2.5-3 hours.


MY GO-TO MITT - I’ve been using this mitt to apply my tanner for years! It works great at blending the product in and I also love this mitt! For my back, I’ll use this self applicator - a total game changer if you live alone or don’t have anyone to help you get your back! I recommend using a mitt/applicator for all of the above listed self tanners except the lotion!

Exfoliator & Moisturizer

EXFOLIATOR - I absolutely love my products from Necessaire including this exfoliator because they are clean body care products packed with vitamins, nutrients, and AHAs. I use the exfoliator before applying a fresh coat of self tanner to scrub off any remaining self tanner.

MOISTURIZER - This body lotion is my go to moisturizer when I’m done with the application process as it helps extend the life of your tan! If you want to prolong your tan - moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! It will keep your skin hydrated, making your tan last so much longer!

*Tip for lotion - after applying tanner, add lotion to knees, elbows, ankles, and any dry areas so the tanner won’t absorb as much.


How often do you tan? I currently tan 1x a week and will sometimes touch up with extra half way through the week if needed! Then I exfoliate completely and start fresh the next week.

Does working out affect your tanner? Not really, sometimes it can start to rub off around where my bra hits but I still apply self tanner even if I have a workout the next day.

Does your self tanner come off on your sheets? Yes, only on the first night that I apply it before showering, but I wash my sheets every week so it doesn't bother me. Both tanning mousses have bronzer in them so you can see where you're applying it which means some will rub off on sheets before you shower the bronzer off. I personally like the bronzer so it isn't a huge issue for me!

How do you tan your hands? To create a gradual fade from my wrist to my fingers, I like to apply normal lotion (linked above) from the inside of my wrist to palm to fingertips and then the back of my hand from knuckle to fingertips. This helps the tanner not absorb into the hands too much! Then I’ll take the mitt and pat some excess product from my wrist to the back of my hand and up to my knuckles. You don’t want to apply too much product which is why I just use whatever is left over on the mitt! If you feel like you got too much on your fingers or fingernails, just take a makeup wipe and wipe off any excess!

How do you apply it to your back? Usually I just have Cort apply it on my back or I ignore it because typically my back is mostly covered! There is also this back applicator that helps with self application! I’ll link it here.

Do you use self tanner on your face? Personally, I don’t like using self tanner on my face. I use lots of skincare and I find that it usually messes up the self tanner. I’d rather have a pale face compared to the rest of my body and be able to do my full skincare routine! For the most part, I’m always wearing makeup so I just use bronzer to match my skin to my body! If you are interested in face tanning drops, I’ve used these in the past and they’re great!!!