The 5 Smoothies I Make the Most

I looove making smoothies for breakfast or even as a post workout lunch. They’re a great way to get protein and sneak in those greens, not to mention, they taste delicious and can be very filling! I certainly have my favorite smoothie recipes that I rotate, so if you’re curious what I’m blending up, here are the five smoothies I make most often… Keep in mind, I eyeball all ingredients and never measure anything. I know that’s not super helpful but you’ll find out what proportions you like! I usually do a 1 1/2 (ish) frozen banana, maybe a cup of liquid, handful of spinach and the rest is just to taste!!

Chocolate PB Coffee Protein Smoothie


Banana PB & Greens Smoothie


Creamcicle Smoothie


Mixed Berry Smoothie


Chocolate Mint Smoothie


PS- still using Shore Magic Collagen and loving it! You can get a 7 day sampler here or a 30 day supply! Sometimes I’ll add this to my smoothies!